2008年1月 のアーカイブ

Ietsuku 2 is great! – Great Email from Mrs.R / 「いえつく2素敵です」というメール

2008年1月27日 日曜日

On Jan.27th.2008, We got e-mail from Mrs.R who lives in Tokyo. Summary of the mail is below.
Mr.and Mrs.R love Bali so much and are planning to move to Bali after their early retirement. They already found the land surrounded by rice fields in Ubdo, Bali, and plan to build their house there. But, they had no idea how to build a house in Bali. So, they were searchig to get some information and they found our project “ietsuku 2“. They would like to talk to us about their plan to build their house.
We were very happy to hear from them since we always worked hard during weekends to appeal to more people. We discussed internally regarding how we would continue our dialogue with Mr. and Mrs.R.


About us / いえつくについて

2008年1月26日 土曜日

“Ietsuku” is a project made up of 5 members, all friends from the architecture department of Tokyo University of Science. The members work as various creators on weekdays, and “Ietsuku” is a separate activity aside from our everyday work.

The members are:
miz : architect at a property company
ken : architect at an architect office
dai : graphic designer at an architect office
hoz : graphic designer at an architect office
yoshi : producer at an advertising agency

We’ve finished 3 projects by Nov.2008. We have and will always work together towards our shared goal, ‘we never work for money’ and ‘we will work with people who share similar minds’.

Our project archives are as below.
A house in Shinjuku,Tokyo
ietsuku 1 (Japanese)
A villa in Bali, Indonesia
ietsuku 2 (Japanese)
A beauty parlour in Numazu, Shizuoka
ietsuku 3 (Japanese)


miz : 不動産会社設計部設計士
ken : 組織設計事務所設計士
dai : 組織設計事務所デザイナー
hoz : 組織設計事務所デザイナー
yoshi : 広告代理店プロデューサー


