2008年8月 のアーカイブ

土地契約後の打ち合わせとアランアランについて / Meeting for plan and Alang-Alang

2008年8月15日 金曜日

It was the first meeting after Mr. and Mrs.R signed a provisional contract for a land of Bali.
We shared more specific requests that they felt in Bali.

+ Size of pool
+ Wooden taste to bed room
+ Cut down the mango tree next to the land
+ They want Alang-Alang roof now
+ Need bug-proof

I (Yoshi) would like to write here what came up about Alang-Alang roof when discussing and what we thought.

We were originally thinking to bring in authentic design, been inspired by Balinese traditional housing (especially Ubdo area),for example Alang-Alang roof. Traditional method would suit to climate and scenery in Bali anyways.

+ How we can hold down energetic consumption in hot and humid weather
+ How we control the direct sun light, or heat insulation
+ Don’t spoil the sight
+ Capable of climate alteration

So we had been thinking what kind of possibility Alang-Alang roof has.
We also had asked Mr. and Mrs. R what they think about Alang-Alang roof even before fixing ideas.
They did not like it first. Their impression was that Alang-Alang would be tacky.

After many discussions, we have decided to go with Alang-Alang roof because of the reasons below.
Alang-Alang has such an idyllic Bali-vibe.
Alang-Alang needs to be maintained every 5 years, which makes us to interact with local artisan naturally.





